SmarterUK proposes a Brexit review via Electronic poll.

SmarterUK proposes a Brexit review via Electronic poll.

SmarterUK, a party that pledges to vote 100% in line with its constituents, recognises that the UK Voted to leave the European Union. As a democracy, it is all MPs’ job to implement this decision to the best of their intention. However, many of the party’s “Creators” who talk to AI-Steve have raised Brexit as an example of how they believe politicians misled them. Every conversation with AI Steve is recorded and transcribed, but due to GPDR rules and the party’s constitution, these calls will never be shared with third parties. However, these conversations are data mined and summarised with the following key points emerging.
  1. £350M saving. This has never been delivered and appears to have been a blatant lie.
  2. Immigration. Voters were told that leaving the EU would close our open borders and allow the UK to take control of immigration. With record net migration, this clearly has not been delivered.
  3. Worldwide Trade Deals. Voters were told the UK would have stronger trading relationships across the world and would still be able to trade with the EU. Again, this has not been delivered.
  4. Taking control of our Laws. There appears to be a prospect of this, but today we are still governed on immigration issues by European judges.
SmarterUK wants to hold a quick and simple “Electronic Vote” using a secure voting platform on whether the UK public feels strongly enough to want this topic brought back for review and a second vote via a referendum. As previously stated, SmarterUK do NOT believe the Governments current IT infrastructure is secure enough to allow major decisions to be made via electronic voting, but electronic voting would give a strong indication of the direction of voters’ views.

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